Why do we have to grow old?

The way we raise our children nowadays is very different from the way our parents raised us, and even more how they were raised. 
Things that were socially accepted then, are no longer acceptable now. 

There is no one right way to parent a child. Different parents have different beliefs, values, and goals for their children. Some parents are more strict and authoritarian, while others are more lenient and permissive. Some parents are more involved and supportive, while others are more distant and detached. Some parents are more traditional and conservative, while others are more progressive and liberal. Each parenting style has its pros and cons, depending on the context and the personality of the child.

However, research has shown that some parenting practices are more beneficial than others for the child’s well-being and development. For instance, studies have found that providing emotional warmth, setting clear boundaries, encouraging autonomy, fostering curiosity, and promoting social skills are some of the key factors that contribute to a child’s happiness and success.

Children need to be taken care of, children need to feel safe and supported, and we spoil them, a lot! Maybe too much? Well, that’s open for debate really,  the thing is that we tend to compensate for our children because we feel that we are not spending enough time with them or when we come home after a long day’s work, we’ve been away all day, and we need to make up for it by indulging every little request our children make. 

I remember when I was a kid, I used to spend hours playing outside with my friends, without any supervision or interference from our parents. We would climb trees, ride bikes, explore new places, and have fun. We learned how to be independent, creative, and resilient. We also learned how to deal with conflicts, risks, and failures. We didn’t have smartphones, tablets, or video games to distract us or entertain us. We had to use our imagination and our resources. We had a lot of freedom and responsibility. Now, as a parent myself, I wonder if I am giving my child the same opportunities and experiences that I had when I was young.

Now kids and parents are usually confined to playgrounds, always over-watching kids and how they play. We don’t let them learn how to play with other kids, we don’t let them fall and get scuffed, one can argue that it’s for their safety, but the world is not a safe place, the world is hard, and I don’t see this changing anytime soon. 

Even men have changed, I’ve never felt like an old-time fashion man, and as a man, I’ve always felt masculine but more connected with feelings and sensitive than most men, I think that some men are afraid of being “rough” (in a playful sense) with their children. I try to do physical stuff with my daughter so she can develop her skills and be stronger and more independent. I believe that in the old days, we were “harder”, stronger because we were raised on the streets, against the elements, but things have changed, and so have we.

 I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and found it useful or interesting. Please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. I would love to hear from you and learn from your experiences as well.


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