
Showing posts from June, 2020

Being You.

As I write these lines, 96 days of confinement have gone by and I've been struggling with the ordeals of wearing masks every time I'm in a public place, emotional ups and downs and not knowing what's going to happen in the months ahead.  Since March 14th the Spanish government imposed a State of Emergency to deal with a pandemic never seen in the modern age that affected and still is affecting the lives of millions of people not only here but all over the world.  Jobs have been wasted and lives have been lost to this virus. The current reality of the worldwide economy is uncertain and the world as we knew it, no longer exists.  Governments talk about the new reality all the time, the population is being educated to this new vocabulary.  I recently started watching a tv show called "The Handmaids Tale". The plot revolves around the premise of some sort of pandemic, in this case, sexually transmitted diseases that consequently had an impact on fertility. A new milit