
Showing posts from May, 2020

I'm Back!

The title says that! I'm back!  Back from what?  Well, back to writing that's a first. To going back to sleep at decent hours and waking up at 4 in the morning! Trying to be productive and jump-start the day! That's what the pundits say that we should do to be successful  To try and make some sense out of what's going on. Not knowing what the future holds.  To starting doing exercise and feel better about myself in a while.  My last post was on March 25th and ever since I've become more numb to the current situation. Going through different emotional stages, from anger to tiredness, frustration, to little moments of happiness and joy.  People have been struggling out there, there are people losing their jobs, starving and I'm complaining that I'm going through different stages of grief. Well, suck it up! Because I'm actually pretty fortunate. There is food on my table every day. I have a beautiful daughter that lights me up every day. I can go out now an